MSA Awards 2023 Announced

Dear Milton Society,

On behalf of the MSA Awards Committee, I am excited and honored to share with you the recipients of the 2023 MSA Awards! So too, on behalf of the Executive Committee and the entire membership, I wish to thank the MSA Awards Committee for their extraordinary labors. Information about all awards, including instructions for submitting nominations for the 2024 round, is available on the MSA website: 


Hanford Book Award

Winner—Thomas Vozar, Milton, Longinus, and the Sublime in the Seventeenth Century (Oxford 2023).

Hanford Essay Award

Winner—Amanda Atkinson, “The Figura Serpentinata in Paradise Lost,” Studies in Philology 120:2 (Spring 2023): 340-70.

Irene Samuel Award

Winner—Islam Issa and Angelica Duran, eds., Milton Across Borders and Media (Oxford 2023).

Honorable Mention—Stephen Dobranski, ed., Milton Studies: Milton and Shakespeare, 65:1 (2023).

Isocrates Award

Winner—Jim Holstun, “Black Abdiel and the Higher Law: James Monroe Whitfield vs. the Fillmore Faction,” ELH 90:1 (Spring 2023): 137-203.

John T. Shawcross Award

Winner—Kevin Killeen, “Miltonic Vertigo and a Theology of Disorientation,” The Unknowable in Early Modern Thought: Natural Philosophy and the Poetics of the Ineffable (Stanford 2023).

Albert Labriola Award

Winner—Katie Mennis, “Latinizing Milton in the English West Indies,” Milton Across Borders and Media (Oxford 2023), 71-89.

Honorable Mention—Aidan Selmer, “‘Through a Glass, Darkly’: Paradise Lost and Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians,” Milton Studies 65:2 (2023): 223-51.


We look forward to toasting all MSA Award recipients and the MSA Awards Committee at the 2025 MSA Annual Meeting and Dinner. This event will be held during the RSA Convention on Friday, 21 March 2025 at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Boston (time to be announced). Tickets will be available through the MSA website starting in February. 

Do you have a publication, program of studies, or upcoming event that you (or your publisher or administrator) would like to advertise in the MSA Annual Meeting and Dinner program? Ads are printed in the program, then become part of the digital archive (see $90 full page, $50 half page. Same price color or b/w. Contact MSA Treasurer ( by 1 March 2025 for placement and invoicing.

Marissa Greenberg, MSA Secretary