We are an inclusive community of readers and scholars, bound together by the study of the seventeenth-century author John Milton.
Milton Society Annual Dinner 2025
The Milton Society Annual Dinner 2025 will be held on Friday, 21 March 2025, at Maggiano’s Little Italy. The Dinner will feature a talk by the MSA Honored Scholar 2024, Sharon Achinstein, and a poem by this year’s MSA Annual Dinner Poet, Camille Guthrie.
There will be a cash bar open to all at 6:30pm with dinner to follow at 7:30pm.
Tickets for the Dinner should be bought in advance, through the payment portal below, by 15 March 2025. Dinner tickets are at $90 for tenured faculty and $70 for all others.
Congratulations to the MSA Honored Scholar 2024
Sharon Achinstein
Congratulations to the recipients of MSA Awards 2023, as announced in AY 2024-2025
Hanford Book Award
Winner—Thomas Vozar, Milton, Longinus, and the Sublime in the Seventeenth Century (Oxford 2023).
Hanford Essay Award
Winner—Amanda Atkinson, “The Figura Serpentinata in Paradise Lost,” Studies in Philology 120:2 (Spring 2023): 340-70.
Irene Samuel Award
Winner—Islam Issa and Angelica Duran, eds., Milton Across Borders and Media (Oxford 2023).
Winner—Jim Holstun, “Black Abdiel and the Higher Law: James Monroe Whitfield vs. the Fillmore Faction,” ELH 90:1 (Spring 2023): 137-203.
John T. Shawcross Award
Winner—Kevin Killeen, “Miltonic Vertigo and a Theology of Disorientation,” The Unknowable in Early Modern Thought: Natural Philosophy and the Poetics of the Ineffable (Stanford 2023).
Albert Labriola Award
Winner—Katie Mennis, “Latinizing Milton in the English West Indies,” Milton Across Borders and Media (Oxford 2023), 71-89.
Honorable Mention—Aidan Selmer, “‘Through a Glass, Darkly’: Paradise Lost and Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians,” Milton Studies 65:2 (2023): 223-51.
The Milton Society of America aims to further Milton scholarship, not only in the U.S. but internationally, by bringing Milton scholars together at an annual dinner, by selecting outstanding scholars for honor, by publishing an annual booklet (and maintaining a website) honoring these scholars and summarizing the work of the Society, by gathering books, articles and other materials pertaining to Milton, by encouraging research in progress, and by promoting exchange of ideas in the field of Milton study (adapted from the Society’s Constitution).
Keep us in the loop!
One of the goals of the MSA is to make sure our members know about the accomplishments of other members. If you have Milton-related publications, conferences, news, or updates, please submit them using our news update form.
About the Website
The current version of the website was created with help from PeakZebra.com.