
Several awards are presented annually by the Society. They are described below, with links to prior winners. Please review our Submission guidelines for more details on nominating or self-nominating works.

The Milton Society of America First Book Assistance (MSA FBA) Program provides annually a single $500 reimbursement to support the publication of an outstanding first book devoted substantially to John Milton. For more information, click here.

The James Holly Hanford Book Award recognizes a distinguished book on Milton. The designation “book” refers to a critical monograph, not an edition, bibliography, multiauthor collection, or reference work. To view recipients of this award, please click here.

The James Holly Hanford Article Award recognizes a distinguished article on Milton published in a journal or in a multiauthor collection of essays. To view recipients of this award, please click here.

The Irene Samuel Memorial Award recognizes a distinguished multiauthor collection on Milton, on the era in which he lived, or on the context and methodologies that illuminate our understanding of his life and works. To view recipients of this award, please click here.

The John T. Shawcross Award recognizes a distinguished edition of Milton’s works, a distinguished bibliography (of his works or of studies of his life and works), a distinguished reference work, or a distinguished chapter on Milton in a monograph that covers other authors or engages topics that bear on seventeenth-century England. To view recipients of this award, please click here.

The Albert C. Labriola Award recognizes a distinguished article on Milton by a graduate student published or forthcoming in a journal or in a multiauthor collection of essays. Any scholarly article whose writing or publication occurred while its author was in graduate standing is eligible for consideration. To view recipients of this award, please click here.

An annual prize has been generously funded by MSA Honored Scholar Professor Elizabeth Sauer. The Isocrates Award recognizes a distinguished scholarly article or a substantive and intellectually rigorous public-facing piece of Milton criticism that demonstrates any of the myriad ways Milton matters today. The MSA Awards Committee will consider all submitted articles and essays for the Isocrates Award, and thus there need be no separate nominations for this prize. This award carries a $500 USD prize. To view recipients of this award, please click here.