Irene Samuel Award Recipients

This award recognizes a distinguished multiauthor collection on Milton, on the era in which he lived, or on the context and methodologies that illuminate our understanding of his life and works.

Current Recipients:

Issa, Islam, and Angelica Duran, eds. Milton Across Borders and Media. Oxford University Press, 2023.

Past Recipients

(Arrangement is alphabetical by author or editor)

Tournu, Christophe, John Hale, and Neil Forsyth. Milton in Strasbourg. Peter Lang, 2022.

Achinstein, Sharon and Elizabeth Sauer, eds. Milton and Toleration. Oxford University Press, 2007.

Armitage, David, Armand Himy, and Quentin Skinner, eds. Milton and Republicanism. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Benet, Diana Treviño, and Michael Lieb, eds. Literary Milton: Text, Pretext, Context. Duquesne University Press, 1994.

Corns, Thomas N. A Companion to Milton. Blackwell, 2001.

Di Cesare, Mario A., ed. Milton in Italy: Contexts, Images, Contradictions. Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1991.

Dobranski, Stephen, ed. Milton in Context. Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Dobranski, Stephen B., and John P. Rumrich, eds. Milton and Heresy. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Duran, Angelica, Islam Issa, and Jonathan R. Olson, eds. Milton in Translation. Oxford University Press, 2017.

Durham, Charles W. and Kristin Pruitt McColgan, eds. Arenas of Conflict: Milton and the Unfettered Mind. Susquehanna University Press, 1997.

Festa, Tom and David Ainsworth, eds. Locating Milton. Clemson University Press, 2021.

Flannagan, Roy C., ed. John Milton: Paradise Lost. Macmillan, 1993.

Hoxby, Blair and Ann Baynes Coiro, eds. Milton in the Long Restoration. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Jones, Edward, ed. Young Milton: The Emerging Author, 1620-1642. Oxford University Press, 2012.

Knoppers, Laura L, ed. Milton Studies 56 (2015).

Labriola, Albert C., ed. Milton Studies 39 (2000).

Labriola, Albert C., and Michael Lieb, eds. The Miltonic Samson, Milton Studies 33 (1996).

Labriola, Albert C., and David Loewenstein, eds. Paradise Regained in Context: Genre, Politics, Religion, Milton Studies 42 (2003).

Lieb, Michael and Albert C. Labriola, eds. Milton in the Age of Fish: Essays on Authorship, Text, and Terrorism. Duquesne University Press, 2006.

Loewenstein, David and Paul Stevens, eds. Early Modern Nationalism and Milton’s England. University of Toronto Press, 2008.

Martin, Catherine Gimelli, ed. Milton and the New Scientific Age. Routledge, 2019.

Miller, Leo. John Milton’s Writings in the Anglo-Dutch Negotiations, 1651-1654. Duquesne UP, 1992.

Miner, Earl, William Moeck and Steven Jablonski. Paradise Lost, 1668-1968: Three Centuries of Commentary. Bucknell University Press, 2004.

McDowell, Nicholas and Nigel Smith, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Milton. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Mohamed, Feisal and Mary Nyquist, eds. Milton and Questions of History: Essays by Canadians Past and Present. University of Toronto Press, 2012.

Parry, Graham, and Joad Raymond, eds. Milton and the Terms of Liberty. Boydell & Brewer, 2002.

Pruitt, Kristin A., and Charles W. Durham, eds. Milton’s Legacy. Susquehanna UP, 2005.

Rajan, Balachandra and Elizabeth Sauer, eds. Milton and the Imperial Vision. Duquesne University Press, 1999.

Stockton, Will and David L. Orvis, eds. Queer Milton, special issue of Early Modern Culture: An Electronic Seminar.