Executive Committee

Members of the Executive Committee of the Milton Society of America (Past and Present)

(Arrangement is alphabetical)

Achinstein, Sharon
Ainsworth, David
Allen, Don Cameron
Arnold, Margaret
Arthos, John
Ayers, Robert W.
Bartolovich, Crystal
Bennet, Joan S.
Berry, Lloyd
Boesky, Amy
Bowman, Walter P.
Brinkley, R. Florence
Campbell, Gardner
Carrithers, Gale
Chaplin, Gregory
Christopher, Georgia B.
Coiro, Ann Baynes
Conti, Brooke
Coon, Arthur
Cunnar, Eugene
Curran, Stuart

Dhar, Amrita
Di Cesare, Mario A.
DiSalvo, Jackie
Dobranski, Stephen B.
Dorian, Donald C.
Dubrow, Heather
Duran, Angelica
Durham, Charles W.
Entzminger, Robert
Fallon, Stephen M.
Fenton, Mary
Fish, Stanley
Flannagan, Roy C.
Freeman, James A.
French, J. Milton
Friedman, Donald
Frye, Northrop
Frye, Roland M.
Furman-Adams, Wendy
Gallagher, Phillip J.
Gregory, Tobias
Grossman, Marshall
Guibbory, Achsah
Hanford, James Holly
Haskin, Dayton
Heninger, S.K., Jr.
Hiltner, Ken
Hoxby, Blair
Huckabay, Calvin
Hughes, Merritt Y.
Jayne, Sears
Jones, Edward
Kerrigan, William
Knoppers, Laura L.
Kranidas, Thomas
Krouse, F. Michael
Lares, Jameela
Lewalski, Barbara K.
Loewenstein, David
Low, Anthony
Luxon, Thomas
Machacek, Gregory
Madsen, William G.
Marcus, Leah S.
Martin, Catherine Gimelli
Martz, Louis L.
McColley, Diane K.
Miller, Leo
Miller, Sonia
Miner, Earl
Mohamed, Feisal
Mohl, Ruth
Mollenkott, Virginia R.
Mueller, Janel
Nardo, Anna
Nathanson, Leonard
Ong, Walter J., S.J.
Parker, William Riley
Patrick, J. Max
Patrides, C.A.
Patterson, Annabel
Pecheux, Mother M. Christopher
Picciotto, Joanna
Pruitt, Kristin A.
Radzinowicz, Mary Ann
Rajan, Balachandra
Revard, Stella
Roberts, Donald A.
Robins, Harry
Rogers, John
Rosenblatt, Jason P.
Rumrich, John P.
Samuel, Irene
Sanchez, Melissa
Sandler, Florence

Sarkar, Debapriya
Sauer, Elizabeth
Schwartz, Louis
Sensabaugh, George
Shoulson, Jeffrey
Shullenberger, William
Simmonds, James D.
Simons, Louise
Sirluck, Earnest
Skerpan-Wheeler, Elizabeth
Smith, Nigel
Steadman, John M.
Stevens, Paul
Stewart, Stanley
Stroup, Thomas
Summers, Claude J.
Svendsen, Kester
Swaim, Kathleen M.
Tayler, Edward W.
Taylor, Dick Jr.
Trubowitz, Rachel
Turner, Arthur
Turner, James Grantham
Ulreich, John C., Jr.
Voitle, Robert
Von Maltzahm, Nicholas
Waddington, Raymond B.
Watson, Sara Ruth
West, Robert H.
White, Helen C.
Whiting, George
Wilburn, Reginald A.
Wittreich, Joseph A., Jr.
Wolfe, Don M.
Woods, Susanne