Dear Milton Society of America member, As the world—perhaps—returns to normal, we’re grateful for our far-flung community, whose collegiality has been so sustaining throughout the pandemic. For the coming year, this newsletter will be co-produced by Alison (incoming president) and Brooke (former president); please bear with us through any scheduling or technical difficulties! MSA Happenings …
Author: Brooke Conti
News Nuggets January 2022
Dear Milton Society of America member, Welcome to 2022 and the third year of our global pandemic. In teaching a Milton course for the first time since Covid-19 hit, I’m struck anew by the autobiographical portion of Reason of Church-Government and Milton’s twin convictions that, in the midst of England’s political crisis, there are things …
News Nuggets October 2021
Dear Milton Society of America member, It’s been a quiet time professionally for many people as we wait to see how the global pandemic will affect conference travel and other long-anticipated events. However, if autumn affords you any sunshine holidays (with or without spicy nut-brown ale), we hope that the following events, publications, and news …
News Nuggets May 2021
Dear Milton Society of America member, After a year in which many of us Zoomed from morn to noon, from noon to dewy eve (and to much the same despairing result), here’s hoping that the next academic term brings better things. MSA Happenings It was a pleasure to see so many of your square-boxed faces …