This award recognizes a distinguished article on Milton by a graduate student published or forthcoming in a journal or in a multiauthor collection of essays.
Current Recipient
Mennis, Katie. “Latinizing Milton in the English West Indies.” Milton Across Borders and Media. Ed. Islam Issa and Angelica Duran. Oxford University Press, 2023. 71-89.
Past Recipients
(Arrangement is alphabetical by author)
Hynd, Ian. “Virgil’s Disappearing Wives in Milton’s Sonnet 23.” Milton in Strasbourg. Ed. Christophe Tournu, John Hale, and Neil Forsyth. Peter Lang, 2022.
Brown, Andrew S. “‘The Minstrelsy of Heaven’: Representation, Authority and the Politics of Lyric in Paradise Lost,” Milton Studies 57 (2016).
Dhar, Amrita. “Toward Blind Language: John Milton Writing, 1648–1656,” Milton Studies 60 (2018).
Hackenbracht, Ryan J. “The Plague of 1625–26, Apocalyptic Anticipation, and Milton’s Elegy III,” Studies in Philology 108 (2011).
Harrison, Tim. “Adamic Awakening and the Feeling of Being Alive in Paradise Lost,” Milton Studies 54, (2013).
Im, Seo Hee. “Between Habbakuk and Locke: Pain, Debt, and Economic Subjectivation in Paradise Lost.” Modern Language Quarterly 78 (2017).
Kennedy, Curry. “Milton’s Ethos, English Nationhood, and the Fast-Day Tradition in Areopagitica.” Studies in Philology 116 (2019).
McRae, Calista. “Direct Address in Paradise Lost.” Milton Studies 56 (2015).
Caryn O’Connell. “Milton’s Earthbound Bodies: Genesis, Physics, Aesthetics.” Milton Studies 59 (2017).